Welcome to Graha Prima Energy |
PT Graha Prima Energy (GPE) is an Indonesian private company founded on August 28, 2008. The group of company commenced its presence in 1993 with involvement on a number of projects like Construction, Land Clearing for oil palm plantation and industrial plantation forest (HTI/Hutan Tanaman Industri), and Heavy Equiepment Rental. The group of company in 2005 has been continuously involved in coal mining projects.
Upto today, GPE has been responsible for various projects well distributed in Indonesia. We always endeavor to give the best service for our clients to suit every needs. We have built our reputation upon the excellence of our services and the importance of tradition. GPE has been the trusted name by clients to develop large scale projects. Our commitment and high standards have enabled us to survive.
Based on tradition and commitment, GPE is ready to offer full cooperation to accomplish your needs at national or international scale with the highest of standard while aiming for excellence.